Abū al-Ḥasan Thābit ibn Qurrah al-Ḥarrānī al-Ṣābiʾ

Name (arabic)

أبو الحسن ثابت بن قرّة الحرّاني الصابئ

Name (translit)

Abū al-Ḥasan Thābit ibn Qurrah al-Ḥarrānī al-Ṣābiʾ


ثابت بن قرة
Thābit ibn Qurrah





Born in

Lived in

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Teacher of

Number in MAMS


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Authored Works

10 works:

Astronomy: General

Iṣlāḥ Kitāb al-Majisṭī li-Baṭlamyūs (Thābit) , إصلاح كتاب المجسطي لبطلميوس

Astronomy: Practical

Kitāb Awṭūlūqus fī al-ṭulūʿāt wa-al-ghurūbāt , كتاب أوطولوقس في الطلوعات والغروبات

Astronomy: Theoretical/hayʾaẗ al-ʿālam

Risālah fī dhikr al-aflāk wa-ḥalaqihā wa-ʿadad ḥarakātihā wa-miqdār masīrihā , رسالة في ذكر الأفلاك وحلقها وعدد حركاتها ومقدار مسيرها
Tashīl al-Majisṭī , تسهيل المجسطي


Geometry: General

Kitāb fī uṣūl al-handasah li-Arshimīdīs , كتاب في أصول الهندسة لأرشميديس
Taḥrīr Kitāb al-mafrūḍāt , تحرير كتاب المفروضات
Taḥrīr Uqlīdis li-Thābit , تحرير أقليدس لثابت


Palmeri, JoAnn. 2007. “Thābit Ibn Qurra ”. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. Thomas Hockey, 2:1129-30. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

Pp. 48-56 (no. 103).

Sezgin, Fuat. 2000. Geschichte Der Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 10, Mathematische Geographie Und Kartographie Im Islam Und Ihr Fortleben Im Abendland. Historische Darstellung,1. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften.
Rozenfeld, Boris. 1997. “Thābit Ibn Qurra”. In Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine In Non-Westen Cultures, ed. Helaine Selin, 969-70. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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Sezgin, Fuat. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 3, Medizin-Pharmazie, Zoologie-Tierheilkunde Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

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Zillurrahman, Hakim. 1993. “Thābit Bin Qurrah and His Family of Physicians”. Studies Fur the History of Medicine (and Science) 13 (2): 159-70.
Morelon, Régis. 1988. “Les Deux Versions Du Traité De Thabit B. Qurra ’Sur Le Mouvement Des Deux luminaires’”. Mélanges De l’Institut Dominicain ďÉtudes Orientales 18: 9-44.
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Berggren, J.Lennart. 1986. Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam. New York: Springer-Verlag.

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Krafft, Fritz. 1986. “Thabit Ibn Kurra”. In Die Großen Der Weltgeschichte, 325-26.
King, David. 1986. A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns; The American Research Center in Egypt.

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Pp. 15-23.

Rozenfeld, Boris, and et al, eds. 1984. Matematicheskie Traktati. Nauchnoye Nasledstvo. Vol. 8. Moscow.

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