Mukhtaṣar min ḥisāb al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah
Title (arabic) |
مختصر من حساب الجبر والمقابلة
Title (translit) |
Mukhtaṣar min ḥisāb al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah
Alias |
al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah
Author |
Language |
Subject |
Commented in |
Kitāb tafsīr kitāb al-Khwārizmī fī al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah
Sharḥ kitāb Muḥammad ibn Mūsá al-Khwārizmī fī al-jabr
Kitāb sharḥ al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah lil-Khwārizmī
ismi_id |
Literature References
P. 22 (no.41), M3.
Economic problems in chapters 16-22.
Tajiki translation.
Reprints of articles: "L'idée de l'algèbre selon al-Khwarizmi," pp. 17-29; "Nombres amiables, parties aliquotes et nombres figurés aux XIII ème et XIV ème siècles," pp. 259-99.
Uzbek translation by Ahmedov, pp. 75-138; research, pp. 5-56.
Pp. 77-113.
English translation of the chapter on equations, pp. 106-111.
Edition of the Oxford manuscript.
Russian translation of the Oxford manuscript by Rozenfeld, pp. 25-88; research by Rozenfeld, pp. 103-125.
Contains the edition of the geometric chapter of Kitāb al-Jabr wa-ʾl-Muqābala, with the English translation.
French translation of the geometrical chapter.
Latin translation of al-Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa-ʾl-muqābala by Gerard of Cremona: pp. 253-97.
Edition of the Oxford manuscript with English translation.