Banū Mūsá

Name (arabic)

بنو موسى

Name (translit)

Banū Mūsá


Banū Mūsā



Lived in

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The three sons of Mūsá ibn Shākir, generally known under the single name of the Banū Mūsá. See also the three sons: Muḥammad, Aḥmad, and Ḥasan.

Number in MAMS


Biography URL



Authored Works

18 works:

Astronomical Tables/zījes

Astronomy: General

Kitāb al-darajāt fī ṭabāʾiʿ al-burūj , كتاب الدرجات في طبائع البروج
Kitāb al-masʾalah allatī alqāhā ʿalá Sanad ibn ʿAlī , كتاب المسألة التي ألقاها على سند بن علي
Kitāb al-masʾalah allatī jarat bayna Sanad wa-bayna Aḥmad , كتاب المسألة التي جرت بين سند وبين أحمد
Kitāb bayyana fīhī bi-ṭarīq taʿlīmī wa-madhhab handasī annahū laysa fī khārij kurat al-kawākib al-thābitah kurah tāsiʿah , كتاب بيّن فيه بطريق تعليمي ومذهب هندسي أنه ليس في خارج قرة الكواكب الثابتة قرة تاسعة
Kitāb fī sanat al-shams , كتاب في سنة الشمس
Ruyʾat al-hilāl ʿalá raʾy Abī Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Mūsá ibn Shākir , رؤية الهلال على رأي أبي جعفر محمد بن موسى بن شاكر

Astronomy: Practical

Kitāb fī ʿamal al-asṭurlāb , كتاب في عمل الأسطرلاب

Geometry: General

Islāḥ Kitāb al-Makhrūṭāt li-Abulūniyūs , إصلاح كتاب المخروطات لأبلونيوس
Kitāb Abūlūnyūs fī al-makhrūṭāt , كتاب أبولونيوس في المخروطات
Kitāb al-shakl al-handasī alladhī bayyanahu Jālīnūs , كتاب الشكل الهندسي الذي بيّنه جالينوس
Kitāb maʿrifah masāḥat al-ashkāl al-basīṭah wa-al-kuriyyah , كتاب معرفة مساحة الأشكال البسيطة والكريّة
Qawl Aḥmad ibn Shākir fī tathlīth al-zāwiyah , قول أحمد ابن شاكر في تثليث الزاوية
Ṣadr lī-Banū Mūsá lī-kitāb Abūlūnyūs fī al-makhrūṭāt , صدر لبنو موسى لكتاب أبولونيوس في المخروطات

Mathematics: General

Kitāb al-shakl al-mudawwar al-mustaṭīl , كتاب الشكل المدوّر المستطيل


Kitāb al-ḥiyal (Banū Mūsá) , كتاب الحيل
Kitāb fī al-qarasṭūn , كتاب في القرسطون


Casulleras, Josep. 2007. “Banū Mūsā”. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. Thomas Hockey, 1:92-94. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Hogendijk, Jan. 2003. “The Geometric Problems of Nuʿaim Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Mūsā (9th Century)”. SCIAMVS 4: 59-136.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

Pp. 34-36.

Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

Pp. 34-36 (no. 74).

Hill, Donald, Aḥmad Al-Ḥassan, Maqbul Ahmed, and A. Iskandar. 2001. “Mechanical Technology”. In The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture, Vol. 4: Science and Technology in Islam. Part 2: Technology and Applied Sciences.:165-92. Beirut: UNESCO.
Al-Ḥassan, Aḥmad, Aḥmad Al-Ḥassan, Maqbul Ahmed, and A. Iskandar. 2001. “Mining and Metallurgy”. In The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture, Vol. 4: Science and Technology in Islam. Part 2, Technology and Applied Sciences:85-87. Beirut: UNESCO.
Hill, Donald. 1997. “Mūsā, Banū”. In Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, ed. Helaine Selin, 150-51. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Brockelmann, Carl. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL). 5 vol. Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.

Vol. 1, p. 241; suppl. 1, pp. 382-83.

Hill, Donald. 1993. “Mūsā, Banū”. In Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, 2ndnd ed., 7:640-41. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Hill, Donald. 1993. Islamic Science and Engineering. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Pingree, David. 1988. “Mūsā, Banū”. In Encyclopaedia Iranica, 3:316-17. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
King, David. 1986. A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns; The American Research Center in Egypt.

P. 33.

Matvievskaya, Galina, and Boris Rozenfeld. 1983. Matematiki I Astronomy Musulmanskogo Srednevekovya I Ikh Trudi, VIII-XVII Vv [Mathematicians and Astronomers of the Muslim Middle Ages and Their Works, VIII-XVII Centuries]. 3 vol. Moscow: Nauka.

Vol. 2, pp. 61-64 (no. 43).

Al-Ḥassan, Aḥmad. 1981. Kitāb Al-Ḥiyal taṣnīf Banū Mūsā Ibn Shākir [The Book of Ingenious Devices by the Sons of Mūsā Ibn Shākir]. Aleppo/Ḥalab: University of Aleppo, Institute for the History of Arabic science/Gāmiʿaẗ Ḥalab, Maʿhad al-Turāṯ al-ʿIlmī al-ʿArabī.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and A. Yushkevich. 1980. “Banū Mūsā”. Lexikon Des Mittelalters 1: 1422.
Sezgin, Fuat. 1979. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 7, Astrologie Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Pp. 129-30, 404.

Ibn Shākir, Banū, and Donald Hill. 1979. The Book of Ingenious Devices [Kitāb Al-Ḥiyal]. Dordrecht; Boston: D. Reidel.
Sezgin, Fuat. 1978. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 6, Astronomie Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Pp. 147-48.

Sabra, Abdelhamid. 1976. “The Sons of Musa Bin Shakir (Banu Musa)”. In The Genius of Arab Civilization: Source of Renaissance (GAC), ed. John Hayes, 136-37. Oxford: Phaidon Press.
Youschkevitch, Adolf, M. Cazenave, and K. Jaouiche. 1976. Les mathématiques Arabes (VIIIe-XVe siècles). Paris: J. Vrin.

Pp. 104-6, 123-24.

Sezgin, Fuat. 1974. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 5, Mathematik Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Pp. 246-52.

Tekeli, Sevim. 1972. “Ḥabash Al-Ḥāsib, Aḥmad Ibn ʿAbdallāh Al-Marwazī”. In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 5:612-20. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Qurbānī, Abū. 1971. Riyāzidanān-I Irānī Az Khwarizmī Tā Ibn Sīnā. Tehran.

Pp. 56-62.

Gillispie, Charles, and Jamal al-Dabbagh. 1970. “Banū Mūsā”. In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 1:443-46. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Al-Bīrūnī, Abū. 1967. The Determination of the Coordinates of Positions for the Correction of Distances Between Cities; A Translation from the Arabic of Kitāb taḥdīd nihāyāt Al-amākin Li-taṣḥīḥ masāfāt Al-masākin. Trans. Jamil Ali. Beirut: The American University of Beirut.

Pp. 37, 64, 269.

Clagett, Marshall. 1964. Archimedes in the Middle Ages. 5 vol. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ṭūqān Qadrī. 1963. Turāth Al-ʿArab Al-ʿilmī Fī Al-riyāḍīyāt Wa-Al-Falak. Cairo: Dār al-Qalam.

Pp. 187-94.

Sayılı, Aydın. 1960. The Observatory in Islam and Its Place in the General History of the Observatory. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi (Turkish Historical Society).

Pp. 92-94.

Ruska, Julius. 1959. “Musâ Banî”. In İslâm Ansiklopedisi, 8:660-61. Istanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
Krachkovsky, Ignaty. 1957. “Arabskaya Geograficheskaya Literatura”. In Izbrannye Sochineniya. Vol. 4. Moscow-Leningrad.

P. 85.