Abū ʿAlī Yaḥyá ibn Abī Manṣūr al-Munajjim
Name (arabic) |
أبو علي يحيى بن أبي منصور المنجّم
Name (translit) |
Abū ʿAlī Yaḥyá ibn Abī Manṣūr al-Munajjim
Alias |
Bizīst ibn Fīrūzān
Yaḥyá ibn Abī Manṣūr
Died |
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Teacher of |
Notes |
Yaḥyá ibn Abī Manṣūr was known for his participation in the ʿAbbāsid caliph al-Maʾmūn's astronomical observations. |
Number in MAMS |
Biography URL |
ismi_id |
Authored Works
5 works:Astronomical Tables/zījes
Al-Zīj al-Maʾmūnī al-mumtaḥān , الزيج المأموني الممتحن
Astronomy: General
Al-Ibānah ʿan aflāk , الإبانة عن أفلاك
Kitāb al‐rujūʿ wa‐al‐hubūṭ , كتاب الرجوع والهبوط
Astronomy: Practical
Fī maʿrifah taqwīm al-kawākib al-khamsah , في معرفة تقويم الكواكب الخمسة
Kitāb yaḥtawī ʿalá arṣād lahū wa-rasāʾil ilá jamāʿah fī al-arṣād , كتاب يحتوي على أرصاد له ورسائل إلى جماعة في الأرصاد
van Dalen, Benno. 2007. “Yaḥyā Ibn Abī Manṣūr: Abū ʿAlī Yaḥyā Ibn Abī Manṣūr Al-Munajjim”. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. Thomas Hockey, 2:1249-50. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.
Pp. 19-20 (no. 31).
Rekaya, M. 1998. “Al-Maʾmūn”. In Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, 2ndnd ed., 6:331-39. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Calvo, Emilia. 1997. “Yaḥyā Ibn Abī Manṣūr”. In Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, ed. Helaine Selin, 1043. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic.
Brockelmann, Carl. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL). 5 vol. Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.
Vol. 1, p. 250; Suppl. 1, p. 393.
Baghirova, Sevinj. 1987. Sochineniye " Tatimmat Ṣiwān Al-ḥikmah " Al-Bayhaki Kak Obrazets Srednevekovogo Ensiklopedicheskogo Spravochnika. Tashkent.
P. 35.
King, David. 1986. A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns; The American Research Center in Egypt.
P. 32.
Matvievskaya, Galina, and Boris Rozenfeld. 1983. Matematiki I Astronomy Musulmanskogo Srednevekovya I Ikh Trudi, VIII-XVII Vv [Mathematicians and Astronomers of the Muslim Middle Ages and Their Works, VIII-XVII Centuries]. 3 vol. Moscow: Nauka.
Vol. 2, p. 38; vol. 3, p. 362 (no. 14).
Sezgin, Fuat. 1979. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 7, Astrologie Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
P. 116.
Sezgin, Fuat. 1978. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 6, Astronomie Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Pp. 136-37.
Bulgakov, P.G., and B.A. Vahabova. 1978. “Srednevekovyye Uchonyye Iz Merva”. Trudy Yuzhno-Turkmenistanskoy Arkheologi-Cheskoy Kompleksnoy Ekspeditsii 16: 44-52.
Gillispie, Charles, and Juan Vernet. 1976. “Yaḥyā Ibn Abī Manṣūr”. In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 14:537-38. New York: Scribner.
Sezgin, Fuat. 1974. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 5, Mathematik Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
P. 227.
Qurbānī, Abū. 1971. Riyāzidanān-I Irānī Az Khwarizmī Tā Ibn Sīnā. Tehran.
Pp. 38-39.
Al-Bīrūnī, Abū. 1967. The Determination of the Coordinates of Positions for the Correction of Distances Between Cities; A Translation from the Arabic of Kitāb taḥdīd nihāyāt Al-amākin Li-taṣḥīḥ masāfāt Al-masākin. Trans. Jamil Ali. Beirut: The American University of Beirut.
Pp. 60, 66, 258.
Al-Bayhaqī, ʿAlī. 1935. Kitāb Tatimmat ṣiwān Al-ḥikmah. Ed. Mohammad Shafīʿ. Lahore: L. Ishwar Das, Registrar, University of the Panjab.
P. 140.
Lippert, Julius, and Jamāl Al-Qifṭī. 1903. “Taʾrīḫ Al-hukamāʾ”. Leipzig: Theodor Weicher.
Pp. 356-58.
Suter, Heinrich. 1902. “Nachträge Und Berichtigungen”. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Mit Einschluss Ihrer Anwendungen 14: 157-85.
P. 158.
Suter, Heinrich. 1900. Die Mathematiker Und Astronomen Der Araber Und Ihre Werke.. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Mit Einschluss Ihrer Anwendungen, Vol. 10. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
Pp. 8-9.
Suter, Heinrich. 1892. “Das Mathematiker-Verzeichniss Im Fihrist Des Ibn Abi Ja’qub an-Nadim”. Abhandlungen für Geschichte Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 6.
Pp. 29-63.
Ibn al-Nadīm, Muḥammad. 1871. Kitāb Al-Fihrist, Ed. Gustav Flügel. 2 vol. Leipzig: Vogel.
Pp. 143,145.
Khalifa, Hajji. 1835. Hajji Khalifa. Kashf Al-ẓunūn ʿan asāmī Al-Kutub waʾl-funūn = Lexicon Bibliographicum Et Encyclopaedicum a Mustafa Ben Abdallah Katib Jelebi Dicto Et Nomine Haji Khalfa Celebrato Compositum. Ed. Gustav Flügel. 7 vol. Leipzig-London: R. Bentley for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland.
Vol. 1, p. 367; vol. 3, pp. 465-66; vol. 5, pp. 111,120,152.
Barhebraeus,. 1783. Des Gregorius Abulfaradsch Kurze Geschichte Der Dynastien; Oder, Auszug Der Allgemeinen Welt-Geschichte Besonders Der Geschichte Der Chalifen Und Mogolen. Trans. Georg Bauer. 2 vol. Leipzig: A.G. Böhme.
P. 161.
Barhebraeus,. 1663. Historia Compendiosa Dynastiarvm. Trans. Edward Pococke. Oxford: Excudebat H. Hall.
P. 248.
Sarton, George. Introduction to the History of Science. 3 vols. in 5 vol. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, for the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Vol. 1, p. 566.