Hayʾat al-ʿālam

Title (arabic)

هيئة العالم

Title (translit)

Hayʾat al-ʿālam


Maqālaẗ fī hayʾaẗ al-ʿālam
كتاب في هيئة العالم
مقالة في هيئة العالم





Text type

First-order prose composition (or compilation) [matn]



Literature References

Langermann, Y.Tzvi. 1990. Ibn Al-Haytham's On The Configuration Of The World. New York, NY: Garland.

Includes a list of Hebrew trans. (pp. 34-40); Latin trans. (pp. 40-41).

Vallicrosa, José. 1942. Las Traducciones Orientales En Los Manuscritos De La Biblioteca Catedral De Toledo. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigationes Científicas.

Pp. 285-312.

Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers And Other Scholars Of Islamic Civilisation And Their Works (7Th-19Th C.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 136 (no. 328), A16.

Gillispie, Charles, and Abdelhamid Sabra. 1972. “Ibn Al-Haytham”. In Dictionary Of Scientific Biography, 6:189-210. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

P. 205, III 1.

Wiedemann, Eilhard. 1984. Gesammelte Schriften Zur Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Majmūʿat Magālātih Fī Tārīkh Al-ʿUlūm Al-ʿArabīyah Wa-Al-Islāmīyah]. 3 vol.. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität.

Vol. 2, pp. 1089-1091.

Kohl, K. 1922. “Über Den Aufbau Der Welt Nach Ibn Al-Haitham”. Sitzungsberichte Der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Societät Zu Erlangen 54-55: 140-79.
Mancha, José. 1990. “Ibn Al-Haytham's Homocentric Epicycles In Latin Astronomical Texts Of The Xivth And Xvth Centuries”. Centaurus 3 (1): 70-89.
Schramm, Matthias. 1959. “Zur Entwicklung Der Physiologischen Optik In Der Arabischen Literatur”. Sudhoffs Archiv Für Geschichte Der Medizin Und Der Naturwissenschaften 43 (4): 289-316.

Pp. 63-70.

Steinschneider, Moritz. 1881. “Notice Sur Un Ouvrage Astronomique Inédit D'lbn Haitham”. Bullettino Di Bibliografia E Di Storia Delle Scienze Matematiche E Fisiche 14: 721–736.

Contains list of Hebrew and Latin MSS.

Steinschneider, Moritz. 1883. “Supplément Á La ‘Notice Sur Un Ouvrage Inédit D’ibn Haitham”. Bullettino Di Bibliografia E Di Storia Delle Scienze Matematiche E Fisiche 16: 505–513.
Strohmaier, Gotthard. 1975. “The Nature Of The Supralunar World: From Anaxagoras To Ibn Al-Haitham”. Studia Copernicana 13: 17-20.