Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham al-Baṣrī al-Miṣrī

Name (arabic)

أبو علي الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم البصري المصري

Name (translit)

Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham al-Baṣrī al-Miṣrī


Abū ʿAlī
Ibn al-Haytham
Muḥammad ibn al-Haytham
Al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham
Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham al-Baṣrī






Born in

Lived in

Teacher of

Number in MAMS

327, 328

Biography URL



Authored Works

128 works:
Talkhīṣ maqālah Manalāwūs fī taʿarruf al-jawāhir al-mukhtalifah , تلخيص مقالة منلاووس في تعرّف الجواهر المختلفة


Kitāb fī taḥlīl al-masāʾil al-ʿadadiyyah bi-jihat al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah mubarhanan , كتاب في تحليل المسائل العدديّة بجهة الجبر والمقابلة مبرهناً
Taʿlīq ʿallaqahu Isḥāq ibn Yūnis al-Mutaṭabbib bi-Miṣr ʿan Ibn al-Haytham fī kitāb Diyufanṭus fī masāʾil al-jabr , تعليق علّقه إسحاق بن يونس المتطبّب بمصر عن بن الهيثم في كتاب ديفنطس في مسائل الجبر

Arithmetic: Practical/ḥisāb

Al-Kitāb al-jāmiʿ fī uṣūl al-ḥisāb , الكتاب الجامع في أصول الحساب
Ḥisāb al-muʿāmalāt , حساب المعاملات
Kitāb al-mūʿāmalāt fī al-ḥisāb , كتاب المعاملات في الحساب
Maqālah fī al-ḥisāb al-khataʾayn , مقالة في الحساب الخطأين
Maqālah fī al-ḥisāb al-hindī , مقالة في الحساب الهندي
Maqālah fī sharḥ al-Arithmāṭīqā ʿalá ṭarīq al-taʿlīq , مقالة في شرح الأرثماطيقا علی طريق التعليق
Masāʾil al-talāqī , مسائل التلاقي
Qawl fī masʾalah ḥisābiyyah , قول في مسألة حسابيّة


Qawl fī al-kawākib al-ḥādithah fī al-jaww , قول في الكواكب الحادثة في الجوّ

Astronomical Instruments

al-Rukhāmah al-ufuqiyyah , الرخامة الأفقيّة
Kitāb fī ālat al-ẓill , كتاب في آلة الظلّ

Astronomy: General

Fī aḍwāʾ al-kawākib , في أضواء الكواكب
Fī ḥarakat al-qamar , في حركة القمر
Fī istikhrāj khaṭṭ niṣf al-nahār bi-ẓill wāḥid , في إستخراج خطّ نصف النهار بظل واحد
Fī taṣḥīḥ al-aʿmāl al-nujūmiyyah , في تصحيح الأعمال النجوميّة
Ḥall shukūk fī kitāb al-Majisṭī yashukku fīhā baʿḍ ahl al-ʿilm , حلّ شكوك في كتاب المجسطي يشكّ فيها بعض أهل العلم
Jawāb ʿan suʾāl sāʾil ʿan al-majarrah hal hiya fī al-hawāʾ aw fī jism al-samāʾ , جواب عن سؤال سائل عن المجرّة هل هي في الهواء او في جسم السماء
Kayfiyyat al-arṣād , كيفيّة الأرصاد
Mā yaʿriḍ min al-ikhtilāf fī irtifāʿāt al-kawākib , ما يعرض من الإختلاف في إرتفاعات الكواكب
Maqālah fī al-majarrah , مقالة في المجرّة
Maqālah fī al-samt , مقالة في السمت
Maqālah fī al-tanbīh ʿalá mawāḍiʿ al-ghalaṭ fī kayfiyyat al-raṣad , مقالة في التنبيه على مواضع الغلط في كيفيّة الرصد
Maqālah fī anna mā yurá min al-samāʾ huwa akthar min niṣfihā , مقالة في أنّ ما يرى من السماء هو اكثر من نصفها
Maqālah fī ḥarakat al-iltifāf , مقالة في حركة الالتفاف
Maqālah fī hayʾah ḥarakah kulli wāḥid min al-kawākib al-sabʿah , مقالة في هيئة حركة كل واحد من الكواكب السبعة
Maqālah fī istikhrāj khaṭṭ niṣf al-nahār ʿalá ghāyat al-taḥqīq , مقالة في إستخراج خطّ نصف النهار على غاية التحقيق
Maqālah fī māhiyat al-āthār allatī taẓharu fī wajh al-qamar , مقالة في ماهية الآثار التي تظهر في وجه القمر


Langermann, Y.Tzvi. 2007. “Ibn al‐Haytham: Abū ʿAlī al‐Ḥasan Ibn al‐Ḥasan”. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 556-57. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Ragep, F. Jamil. 2004. “Ibn Al-Haytham and Eudoxus: The Revival of Homocentric Modeling in Islam”. In Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree, eds. Charles Burnett, Jan Hogendijk, Kim Plofker, and Michio Yano, 786-809. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Provides Ṭūsī's summary of Ibn al‐Haytham's treatise on iltifāf.

Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

Pp. 130-1 (no. 327); pp. 131-8 (no. 328).

Sabra, Abdelhamid. 1998. “One Ibn Al-Haytham or Two? An Exercise in Reading the Bio-Bibliographical Sources”. Zeitschrift für Geschichte Der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 12: 1-50.

A thorough reexamination of the writings attributed to Ibn al‐Haytham.

Rashed, Roshdi. 1997. “Ibn Al-Haytham”. In Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non‐Western Cultures, ed. Helaine Selin, 405-8. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Brockelmann, Carl. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL). 5 vol. Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.

Vol. 1, pp. 617-19; suppl. 1, pp. 851-54.

Ansari, S.M. 1994. “Modern Scientific Method in the Works of Ibn Al-Haytham”. In Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Memorial Volume, eds. Nazir Ahmad and Asloob Ansari, 248-71. New Delhi: Ghalib Institute.
Rashed, Roshdi. 1993. Géométrie Et Dioptrique Au Xe siècle : Ibn Sahl, Al-Qūhī Et Ibn Al-Haytham. Paris: Les Belles lettres.
Lorch, Richard. 1990. “Ibn Al-Haiṯam”. In Lexikon Des Mittelalters, 5:315-16. München; Zürich: Artemis.
Langermann, Y.Tzvi. 1990. Ibn Al-Haytham’s On the Configuration of the World. New York, NY: Garland.

Arabic text, English translation, introduction and notes.

Kennedy, Edward. 1989. “Ibn Al-Haytham’s Determination of the Meridian from One Solar Altitude”. Zeitschrift für Geschichte Der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 5: 141-44.

Supplies a proof for Ibn al‐Haytham's method; Arabic texts of two treatises on determining the meridian line by Ibn al‐Haytham were edited by Fuat Sezgin in Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch‐Islamischen Wissenschaften 3 (1986): 7-43 [Arabic numeration].

Sabra, Abdelhamid, Edward Grant, and John Murdoch. 1987. “Psychology Versus Mathematics: Ptolemy and Alhazen on the Moon Illusion”. In Mathematics and Its Applications to Science and Natural Philosophy in the Middle Ages, 217-47. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Baghirova, Sevinj. 1987. Sochineniye " Tatimmat Ṣiwān Al-ḥikmah " Al-Bayhaki Kak Obrazets Srednevekovogo Ensiklopedicheskogo Spravochnika. Tashkent.

Pp. 60-61.

Heinen, Anton. 1987. “An Unknown Treatise by Sanad Ibn ʻAlī on the Relative Magnitudes of the Sun, Earth and Moon”. In From Deferent to Equant: A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E. S. Kennedy, eds. David King and George Saliba, 167-74. New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
King, David. 1986. A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns; The American Research Center in Egypt.

P. 47.

Pines, Shlomo. 1986. Studies in Arabic Versions of Greek Texts and in Mediaeval Science: The Collected Works. Vol. 2. Jerusalem & Leiden: The Magnes Press & Brill.

Pp. 436-39.

Krafft, Fritz. 1986. “Haitham, Ibn Al-”. In , 154.
Hogendijk, Jan. 1985. Ibn Al-Haytham’s Completion of the Conics. Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Pp. 52-63.

Rashed, Roshdi. 1984. Entre arithmétique Et algèbre: Recherches Sur l’histoire Des mathématiques Arabes. Paris: Société d’édition Les Belles lettres.

Pp. 227-43.

Wiedemann, Eilhard. 1984. Gesammelte Schriften Zur Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte [Majmūʿat magālātih Fī tārīkh Al-ʿulūm Al-ʿArabīyah Wa-Al-Islāmīyah]. 3 vol. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität.

Vol. 1, pp. 117-46, 516-21.

Matvievskaya, Galina, and Boris Rozenfeld. 1983. Matematiki I Astronomy Musulmanskogo Srednevekovya I Ikh Trudi, VIII-XVII Vv [Mathematicians and Astronomers of the Muslim Middle Ages and Their Works, VIII-XVII Centuries]. 3 vol. Moscow: Nauka.

Vol. 2, pp. 240-55; vol. 3, p. 366.

Rahman, Abdur, M Alvi, Shabbir Ghori, and Samba Murthy. 1982. Science and Technology in Medieval India : A Bibliography of Source Materials in Sanskrit, Arabic, and Persian. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy.

Pp. 278, 388-89, 469.

Omar, Saleh. 1981. “Istiqrā ʿinda Ibn Al-Haytham ”. Journal of the History of Arabic Science 5: 176-90.
Saud, Mohammad. 1979. “The Role of Hypothesis in Ibn Al-Haytham’s Scientific Investigation”. In International Symposium for the History of Arabic Sciences, 2:127-28.
Heinen, Anton. 1979. “Ibn Al-Haitam’s Autobiographie in Einer Handschrift Aus Dem Jahr 556 H. 1161 A. D”. In Die Islamische Welt Zwischen Mittelalter Und Neuzeit. Festschrift für Hans Robert Roemer Zum 65. Geburtstag, eds. U. Haarman and P. Bachmann, 254-77. Beirut: Wiesbaden.
Omar, Saleh. 1979. “Ibn Al-Haytham, Galileo, and the Nature of the Lunar Surface (Ibn Al-Haytham Wa Ghaliliyu Wa ṭabiʿa saṭh Al-Qamar)”. In International Symposium for the History of Arabic Sciences, 2 & Supp. :71 & 60.
Sezgin, Fuat. 1979. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 7, Astrologie Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Pp. 288, 411-12.

Sabra, Abdelhamid. 1979. “Ibn Al-Haytham’s Treatise: Solution of Difficulties Concerning the Movement of Iltifāf”. Journal for the History of Arabic Science 3: 388-422.

Arabic text with English synopsis.

Sezgin, Fuat. 1978. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 6, Astronomie Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Pp. 251-61, 294.

Sabra, Abdelhamid. 1978. “Maqālat Al-Ḥasan Ibn Al-Ḥasan Ibn Al-Haytham Fī Kayfiyyat Al-arṣād [Ibn Al-Haytham’s ‘Treatise on the Method of (Astronomical) Observations’]”. Journal for the History of Arabic Science 2 (1): 155-56, 194.

Arabic text with English synopsis.