Kitāb fī istīʿāb al-wujūh al-mumkinah fī ṣinʿat al-asṭurlāb
Title (arabic) |
كتاب في إستیعاب الوجوه الممکنة في صنعة الأسطرلاب
Title (translit) |
Kitāb fī istīʿāb al-wujūh al-mumkinah fī ṣinʿat al-asṭurlāb
Alias |
Kitāb fī ṣinʿaẗ al-asṭurlāb
Kitāb al-ʿamal bi al-asṭurlāb
Maqāla fī ṣanʿat al-asṭurlāb
Kitāb Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Bīrūnī fī istīʿāb al-wujūh al-mumkinah fī ṣanʿat al-asṭurlāb
Risālah fī al-asṭurlāb
Author |
Language |
Subject |
Text type |
First-order prose composition (or compilation) [matn]
Notes |
A treatise on understanding all possible ways of constructing the astrolabe. |
ismi_id |
Manuscript Witnesses
24 witnesses:Literature References
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Pp. 85-89.
Rozenfeld, Boris, Z. Sokolovskaya, and Miriam Rozhanskaya. 1973. Abu-R-Rayhan Al-Biruni (973-1048). Moscow.
Pp. 152-55, 162-66, 168-72.
Gillispie, Charles, and Edward Kennedy. 1970. “Al‐Bīrūnī”. In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 2:148-58. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Pp. 152-153, 156.
Abdurahmanov, Abdumannon. 1970. Matematika V Astronomicheskikh Trudakh Beruni. Tashkent.
Wiedemann, Eilhard. 1970. Aufsätze Zur Arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. 2 vol. New York: George Olms.
Vol. 2, pp. 516-40, 541-44.
Seemann, Hugo, and Th. Mittelberger. 1925. “Das kugelförmige Astrolab Nach Den Mitteilungen Von Alfonso X. Von Kastilien Und Den Vorhandenen Arabischen Quellen”. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Der Naturwissenschaften Und Der Medizin 8: 32-40.
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