Kitāb al-ḥisāb al-hindī (Khwārizmī)

Title (arabic)

كتاب الحساب الهندي

Title (translit)

Kitāb al-ḥisāb al-hindī (Khwārizmī)


Kitāb al-ḥisāb al-hindī





Translated in


Khwārizmī's Book on Hindu Calculation introduced the decimal positional system that the Hindus had developed by the the 6th century, and was the first the first Arabic arithmetic book to be translated into Latin. The word "algorithm" was derived from al-Khwārizmī.

(From MAMS2): The work explains the following arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, duplication (multiplication by 2), mediation (division by 2), general multiplication, general division, extraction of a square root both with integers and fractions.



Literature References

Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 22 (no. 41), M1.

Allard André. 1996. “The Influence of Arabic Mathematics in the Medieval West”. In Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Sciences, eds. Roshdi Rashed and Régis Morelon, 2, Mathematics and the Physical Sciences:539-80. London; New York: Routledge.
Allard André. 1992. Muhammad Ibn Mūsā Al-Khwārizmī : Le Calcul Indien (algorismus) : Histoire Des Texts, édition Critique, Traduction Et Commentaire Des Plus Anciennes Versions Latines remaniées Du XIIe siècle. Namur: Société des Études Classique.
Allard André. 1991. “The Arabic Origins and Development of Latin Algorisms in the Twelfth Century”. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (2): 233-83.
Allard André. 1991. “La Diffusion En Occident Des premières Oeuvres Latines: Issues De l’arithmétique Perdue d’Al-Khwārizmī”. Journal for the History of Arabic Science 9: 101-5.
Crossley, John, and Alan Henry. (1990) 1990. “Thus Spake Al-Khwārizmī: a Translation of the Text of Cambridge University Library Ms. Ii.Vi.5”. Historia Mathematica 17 (2): 103-31.

English translation of the Latin manuscript.

Berggren, J.Lennart. 1986. Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam. New York: Springer-Verlag.

P. 7.

Allard André. 1985. “Znakomstva S Arifmetikoy Al-Khorezmi Posredstvom Latinskikh Algorizmov (The Relation Between the Arithmetic of Al-Ḫwārizmī and Latin Algoritmy)”. In Velikiy Uchenyy srednevekov’ya Al-Khorezmi. Materialy Yubileynoy Nauchnoy Konferentsii, Posvyashchennoy 1200-Letiyu so Dnya Pozhdeniya Muhammada Ibn Musy Al-Khorezmi, ed. M.M. Khayrullayev, 101-5. Tashkent.
Youschkevitch, Adolf. 1983. “O Trude Po Arifmetike Muhammada Ibn Musy Al-Khorezmi”. In Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khorezmi. K 1200-Letiyu so Dnya Rozhdeniya, eds. Boris Rozenfeld and Adolf Youschkevitch, 17-52. Moscow: Nauka.
Ahmedov, A.A. 1983. Muhammad Ibn Musa Khorezmiy. Tanlangan Asarlar: Matematika, Astronomiya, Geografia. Tashkent.

Uzbek translation, pp. 57-74; research, pp. 139-48.

Allard André. 1983. “Al-Khorezmi I Proiskhozhdeniye Latinskogo Algorizmov”. In Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khorezmi. K 1200-Letiyu so Dnya Rozhdeniya, eds. Boris Rozenfeld and Adolf Youschkevitch, 53-68. Moscow: Nauka.
Rozenfeld, Boris, P.G. Bulgakov, and A.A. Ahmedov. 1983. Muhammad Al-Khorezmi. Ok. 783 - Ok. 850. Moscow.

Pp. 52-77.

Allard André. 1975. Les Plus Anciennes Versions Latines Du 12e siècle Issues De l’arithmetique d’ Al-Khwarizmi : Historie Des Textes, Suivie De l’edition Critique Des Traites Attributes a Adelard De Bath Et Jean De Seville, Et d’un Remaniement De Ce Dernier. Louvain: Université catholique de Louvain.
Vogel, Kurt. 1974. “Byzanz, Ein Mittler --Auch in Der Mathematik-- Zwischen Ost Und West”. In Actes Du XIIIe Congrès International d’histoire Des Sciences, Moscou, 18–24 août 1971, 62. Moscow: Nauka.

Facsimile edition of the Latin manuscript.

Youschkevitch, Adolf. 1964. “Über Ein Werk Des Abu ’Abdallah Muhammed Ibn Musa Al-Huwarizmi Al-Mağusi Zur Arithmetik Der Inder”. In Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Naturwissenschaften, Technik Und Medizin Hrsg. Zum 60. Geburtstag Gerhard Harigs, Von I. Strube Und H. Wussing. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and Y.H. Kopelevich. 1964. Mukhammad al’-Khorezmi. Matematicheskiye Traktaty. Tashkent.

Russian translation of the Latin manuscript by Kopelevich, pp. 9-24; research by Rozenfeld, pp. 94-103.

Vogel, Kurt. 1963. Mohammed Ibn Musa Alchwarizmi’s Algorismus: Das früheste Lehrbuch Zum Rechnen Mit Indischen Ziffern. Nach Der Einzigen (lateinischen) Handschrift (Cambridge Un. Lib. Ms. Ii. 6.5) in Faksimile. Aalen: Zeller.

Facsimile edition of the Latin manuscript, transcription and commentary.

Youschkevitch, Adolf. 1954. “Arifmeticheskiy Traktat Muhammeda Ben Musa Al- Khorezmi”. In Trudy Instituta Istorii Yestestvoznaniya I Tekhniki AN SSSR (Proceedings of the Institute of History of Science and Technology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR), 1:85-127. Moscow.

Facsimile edition of the Latin manuscript.

Ruska, Julius. 1919. “Zur Geschichte Der Arabischen Algebra Und Rechenkunst”. Der Islam 9: 116-17.
Ruska, Julius. 1917. Zur ältesten Arabischen Algebra Und Rechenkunst. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
Ibn al-Nadīm, Muḥammad. 1871. Kitāb Al-Fihrist, Ed. Gustav Flügel. 2 vol. Leipzig: Vogel.

Attributed to Sanad b. ʿAlī in p. 275.

al-Ḫwārizmī, Muḥammad. 1857. Trattati d’aritmetica Pubblicati Da Baldassarre Boncompagni. Trans. Hispalensis Joannes. Vol. 1: Algoritmi de numero indorum. Roma.

Medieval Latin translation by Joannes Hispalensis (active 12th century).