al-Qānūn al-masʿūdī fī al-hayʾah wa-al-nujūm
Title (arabic) |
القانون المسعودي في الهيئة والنجوم
Title (translit) |
al-Qānūn al-masʿūdī fī al-hayʾah wa-al-nujūm
Alias |
Al-Qānūn al-Masʿūdī
al-Qānūn al-masʿūdī fī al-hayʾaẗ wa-al-nujūm
Qānūn masʿūdī fī al-hayʾah wa-al-nujūm li-Abī Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Bīrūnī al-Khwārizmī
أبو ريحان محمد بن أحمد البيروني
Author |
Created |
Created in |
Language |
Subject |
Text type |
First-order prose composition (or compilation) [matn]
Other versions |
Dedicated to |
ismi_id |
Manuscript Witnesses
16 witnesses:Literature References
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