Kitāb ikhrāj mā fī al-quwwah ilá al-fiʿl

Title (arabic)

كتاب إخراج ما في القوّة إلی الفعل

Title (translit)

Kitāb ikhrāj mā fī al-quwwah ilá al-fiʿl


Kitāb iḫrāj mā fī al-quwwaẗ ilỳ al-fiʿl






(From MAMS2): Book in 2 parts:

"Bases" - 1) introduction - possibility and actuality. 2) classification of things. 3) definitions. 4) nature of 7 planets. 5) nature of 12 zodiacal signs. 6) influence of planets and zodiacal signs. 7) natures of countries. 8) influence of planets on countries, animals, plants, and stones.

"Sciences" - 1) medicine. 2) alchemistry. 3) special properties. 4) talismans. 5) action of higher forces. 6) correlation of measures. 7) artificial creation of life.



Literature References

Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 15 (no. 9), E1.

Rex, Friedemann. 1975. Zur Theorie Der Naturprozesse in Der ifrüharabischen Wissenschaft: Das ’Kitāb Al-iḫrāğ’ übersetzt Und erklärt: Ein Beitrag Zum Alchemistischen Weltbild Der Ǧābir-Schriften (8. 10. Jahrhundert N. Chr.). Collection Des Travaux De l’Académie Internationale Des Sciences. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner .

German translation: pp. 61-138.

Kraus, Paul. 1942. Jābir Ibn Hayyān: Contribution À l’histoire Des idées Scientifiques Dans l’Islam. Mémoires De l’Institut d’Egypte. Vol. 2: Jābir et la science grecque. 2 vol. Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.

Edition of text: pp. 1-95.