Abū al-Khayr Aḥmad ibn Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Muṣṭafá Tāshkubrīzāde

Name (arabic)

ابو الخير عصام الدين احمد بن مصلح الدين مصطفى طاشكبري زاده

Name (translit)

Abū al-Khayr Aḥmad ibn Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Muṣṭafá Tāshkubrīzāde


Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafā Ṭashkubrīzāde
ʿIṣām al-Dīn Tāškubrīzāde






Born in

Lived in

Died in

Student of

Number in MAMS


Biography URL



Authored Works

1 works:


Al-Shaqāʾiq al-nuʿmāniyyat fī ʿulamāʾ al-dawlat al-ʿUthmāniyyat , الشقائق النعمانيّة في علماء الدولة العثمانيّة

Manuscript Witnesses copied by this person

1 witnesses:


Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 324 (no. 974).

İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin, Ramazan Şeşen, and Cevat İzgi, eds. 1999. Osmanlı Matematik literatürü Tarihi = History of Mathematical Literature During the Ottoman Period. Osmanlı Bilim Tarihi literatürü. Istanbul: İslâm Tarih, Sanat ve Kültür Araştırma Merkezi (IRCICA).

Pp. 64-65.

İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin. 1997. Osmanlı Astronomi Literatürü Tarihi [History of Astronomy Literature During the Ottoman Period]. Osmanlı Bilim Tarihi literatürü. Istanbul: İslâm Tarih, Sanat ve Kültür Araştırma Merkezi (IRCICA).

Pp. 138-140.

Brockelmann, Carl. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL). 5 vol. Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.

Vol. 2, pp. 559-562.

Brockelmann, Carl. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL). 5 vol. Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.

Supplements, vol. 2, pp. 633-634.

Matvievskaya, Galina, and Boris Rozenfeld. 1983. Matematiki I Astronomy Musulmanskogo Srednevekovya I Ikh Trudi, VIII-XVII Vv [Mathematicians and Astronomers of the Muslim Middle Ages and Their Works, VIII-XVII Centuries]. 3 vol. Moscow: Nauka.

Vol 2, pp. 554-555.

Krachkovsky, Ignaty. 1957. “Arabskaya Geograficheskaya Literatura”. In Izbrannye Sochineniya. Vol. 4. Moscow-Leningrad.

Pp. 608-610.

al-Fārābī, Abū-Naṣr. 1934. Al-Fārābī’s Arabic-Latin Writings on Music in the Iḥṣā’ Al-’ulūm, De Scientiis, and De Ortu Scientiarum. Ed. Henry Farmer. Glasgow.

P. 64.

Khalifa, Hajji. 1835. Hajji Khalifa. Kashf Al-ẓunūn ʿan asāmī Al-Kutub waʾl-funūn = Lexicon Bibliographicum Et Encyclopaedicum a Mustafa Ben Abdallah Katib Jelebi Dicto Et Nomine Haji Khalfa Celebrato Compositum. Ed. Gustav Flügel. 7 vol. Leipzig-London: R. Bentley for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland.

Vol 1, pp. 4, 31,41, 153, 157, 166, 178-181, 184, 193, 198, 204-206, 211-215, 226-227, 235, 252, 270, 274; vol. 2, pp. 8, 42, 135, 173, 197, 208, 275, 320; vol. 3, pp. 36, 75, 80, 379, 384, 391-392, 414, 429, 455, 488; vol. 4, pp. 65, 86, 112, 169, 269, 278, 299, 371, 406-407, 410, 477, 574; vol. 5, pp. 309, 338, 507, 613; vol. 6, pp. 14, 18,72,79, 83, 226, 263, 323, 385, 411, 487, 644.