Māshāʾ Allāh ibn Atharī al-Baṣrī

Name (arabic)

ما شاء الله بن أثري البصري

Name (translit)

Māshāʾ Allāh ibn Atharī al-Baṣrī


Māshāʾ Allāh
Mīshāʾ ibn Athrā





Lived in

Teacher of



(From MAMS2): Māshāʾ Allāh (fl. 762-ca. 815 Baghdad) was one of the early ʿAbbāsid astrologers associated with the courts of al‐Manṣūr and al-Maʾmūn. He and al‐Nawbakht worked on the horoscope for the foundation of Baghdad in 762.

Number in MAMS


Biography URL



Authored Works

9 works:


Kitāb al-asʿār , كتاب الأسعار
Kitāb al-wāḥid wa-al-ʿishrīn fī qirānāt wa-al-adyān wa-al-milal , كتاب الواحد والعشرين في قرانات والأديان والملل
Mafātiḥ al-qaḍāʾ , مفاتيح القضاء
Mafātiḥ al-qaḍāʾ [P] , مفاتيح القضاء

Astronomical Instruments

Kitāb dhāt al-ḥalaq , كتاب ذات الحلق
Kitāb ṣanʿat al-asṭurlābāt wa-al-ʿamal bi-hā , كتاب صنعة الأسطرلابات والعمل بها

Astronomy: Theoretical/hayʾaẗ al-ʿālam

Al-Kitāb al-maʿrūf bi-al-sābiʿ wa-al-ʿishrīn , الكتاب المعروف بالسابع والعشرين


Kitāb al-amṭār wa-al-riyāḥ , كتاب الأمطار والرياح


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