Nūr al-Dīn Abū Isḥāq [Abū Jaʿfar] Ibrāhīm ibn Yūsuf al-Biṭrūjī

Name (arabic)

نور الدين أبو إسحاق [أبو جعفر] إبراهيم بن يوسف البطروجي

Name (translit)

Nūr al-Dīn Abū Isḥāq [Abū Jaʿfar] Ibrāhīm ibn Yūsuf al-Biṭrūjī





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Authored Works

1 works:

Astronomy: Theoretical/hayʾaẗ al-ʿālam

Kitāb al-hayʾah , كتاب الهيئة


Samsó Julio. 2007. “Biṭrūjī: Nūr al‐Dīn Abū Isḥāq [Abū Jaʿfar] Ibrāhīm Ibn Yūsuf al‐Biṭrūjī”. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. Thomas al., 2:133-34. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Mancha, José. 2004. “Al‐Biṭrūjī’s Theory of the Motions of the Fixed Stars”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences 58: 143-82.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 193 (no. 526).

Abattouy, Mohammed, and Bennacer Bouazzati. 2001. “Au Dessus Ou au‐dessous Du Soleil: Prolégomènes Sur La Position De Mercure Et Vénus Dans La Tradition Astronomique Andalouse”. In Science Et pensée Scientifique En Occident Musulman Au Moyen Age [Al-ʻIlm Wa-Al-Fikr Al-ʻilmī Bi-Al-ġarb Al-Islāmī Fī Al-ʻaṣr Al-wasīṭ], 19-42. Rabat: Faculty of Letters in Rabat.
Saliba, George. 1999. “Critiques of Ptolemaic Astronomy in Islamic Spain”. Al‐Qanṭara 20: 3-25.
Nogués, Miquel. 1999. “La Ciencia En Averroes”. In Averroes Y Los averroísmos: Actas Del III Congreso Nacional De filosofía Medieval, 49-102. Zaragoza: Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval.
Casulleras, Josep, Maribel Fierro, and Julio Samsó. 1998. “The Contents of Qāsim Ibn Muṭarrif al‐Qaṭṭān’s Kitāb al‐hayʾa”. In The Formation of al‐Andalus, Part 2: Language, Religion, Culture and the Sciences, 339-58. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Brockelmann, Carl. 1996. Geschichte Der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL). 5 vol. Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.

Suppl. 1, p. 866.

Saliba, George. 1994. A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam. New York: New York University Press.
Samsó, Julio. 1994. Islamic Astronomy and Medieval Spain. Aldershot: Variorum.
Samsó, Julio. 1992. Las Ciencias De Los Antiguos En Al-Andalus. Madrid: Editorial MAPFRE.

Pp. 330-56.

Avi-Yonah, Reuven. 1985. “Ptolemy Vs. Al‐Biṭrūjī: A Study of Scientific Decision-Making in the Middle Ages”. Archives Internationales d’histoire Des Sciences 35: 124-47.
Sabra, Abdelhamid, and Everett Mendelsohn. 1984. “The Andalusian Revolt Against Ptolemaic Astronomy: Averroes and al‐Biṭrūjī”. In Transformation and Tradition in the Sciences: Essays in Honor of I. Bernard Cohen, 133-53. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reprinted in: Optics, Astronomy and Logic: Studies in Arabic Science and Philosophy, XV. Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1994.

Matvievskaya, Galina, and Boris Rozenfeld. 1983. Matematiki I Astronomy Musulmanskogo Srednevekovya I Ikh Trudi, VIII-XVII Vv [Mathematicians and Astronomers of the Muslim Middle Ages and Their Works, VIII-XVII Centuries]. 3 vol. Moscow: Nauka.

Vol. 2, p. 359.

Cortabarría, Angel. 1982. “Deux Sources De S. Albert Le Grand: Al‐Bitruji Et al‐Battani”. Mélanges De l’Institut Dominicain d’études Orientales 15: 31-52.
Lorch, Richard. 1974. “Review of Al‐Biṭrūjī: On the Principles of Astronomy by Bernard Goldstein”. Archives Internationales d’histoire Des Sciences 24: 173-75.
Kennedy, Edward. 1973. “Alpetragius’s Astronomy”. Journal for the History of Astronomy 4: 134-36.
Goldstein, Bernard. 1971. Al‐Biṭrūjī: On the Principles of Astronomy. 2 vol. New Haven: Yale University Press.

See the reviews by Kennedy and Lorch.

Ṭūqān Qadrī. 1963. Turāth Al-ʿArab Al-ʿilmī Fī Al-riyāḍīyāt Wa-Al-Falak. Cairo: Dār al-Qalam.

P. 403.

Carmody, Francis. 1952. Al‐Biṭrūjī: De Motibus Celorum. Critical Edition of the Latin Translation of Michael Scot. Berkley: University of California Press.

See review by E. S. Kennedy in Speculum 29 (1954): 246-251.

Rénaud, Henri. 1932. “Additions Et Corrections à Suter Die Mathematiker Und Astronomen Der Araber”. Isis 18 (1): 166-83.

p. 172.

Suter, Heinrich. 1902. “Nachträge Und Berichtigungen”. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Mit Einschluss Ihrer Anwendungen 14: 157-85.

P. 174.

Suter, Heinrich. 1900. Die Mathematiker Und Astronomen Der Araber Und Ihre Werke.. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Mit Einschluss Ihrer Anwendungen, Vol. 10. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.

P. 131.

Baldi, Bernardino. 1872. “Vite Di Matematici Arabi, Tratte Da un’opera Inedita Di Bernardino Baldi, Con Note Di M. Steinschneider”. Estratto Dal Bullettino Di Bibliografia E Di Storia Delle Scienze Matematiche E Fisiche 5: 427-534.

Pp. 528-34.

Delambre, J. 1819. Histoire De l’astronomie Du Moyen Âge. Paris: Ve Courcier.

Pp. 171-75.

Sarton, George. Introduction to the History of Science. 3 vols. in 5 vol. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, for the Carnegie Institution of Washington.

Vol. 2, pp. 399-400.

de Vaux, Bernard. Les Penseurs De l’Islam. 5 vol. Paris: P. Geuthner.

Vol. 2, pp. 230-36.