Sharḥ al-Qānūnčah (Husayn b. Muḥ. ʿAstarābādī)

Title (arabic)

شرح القانونچه

Title (translit)

Sharḥ al-Qānūnčah (Husayn b. Muḥ. ʿAstarābādī)


Šarḥ al-muḫtaṣar mawsūm bi-Qānūnčah
شرح المختصر موسوم بقانونچه




Created in




Text type

Second-order composition (Commentary) [sharh]

Commentary on

Dedicated to


Composed Thursday, 17 Ramaḍān 830 [30 June 1428] in Herat for Amīr Sayyid al-Murtaḍā (d. 837/1433). According to ʿAstarābādī the Qānūnčah was: " … currently used in all countries, and indeed, students were as familiar with it as with the midday sun. In view of its very brief accounts of anatomy, and because it embraces so many topics, a commentary is badly needed."



Literature References

Ragep, Sally. 2019. “Jaghmīnī’s Qānūnča: A Popular Abridgement of Avicenna’s Canon”. In Essays on History of Medicine Honoring the Scholarship of Jacalyn Duffin, eds. Delia Gavrus and Susan Lamb, 54-85. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press .

Pp. 61-62 (no. 3).

Şeşen, Ramazan, Cemil Akpinar, and Cevad Izgi. 1984. Catalogue of Islamic Medical Manuscripts (in Arabic, Turkish & Persian) in the Libraries of Turkey. Ed. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. Istanbul: The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture.

P. 186.

Iskandar, A. 1967. A Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. London: The Wellcome Historical Medical Library.

Pp. 57, 64.

Loth, Otto. 1877. A Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. Vol. 1. London: Stephen Austin and Sons.

Pp. 296-97 (no. 1041).