BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTOR Roger Arnaldez First name Roger Last name Arnaldez Bibliography entries by this contributor Arnaldez, Roger. 2008. “Ibn Riḍwān, Abū’l-Ḥasan ‘Alī Ibn ‘Alī Ibn Ja‘Afar Al-Miṣrī”. In Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 11:444-45. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Iskandar, A., and Roger Arnaldez. 1975. “Ibn Rushd”. In Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 12:1-9. Arnaldez, Roger. 1971. “Ibn Ḥazm”. In Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., 3:896-99. Arnaldez, Roger. 1971. “Ibn Rushd”. In Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., 3:909-20. Arnaldez, Roger. 1956. Grammaire Et théologie Chez Ibn Hazm De Cordoue. Paris.