[De motu octave sphere]

Title (translit)

[De motu octave sphere]


[De motu octave sphere]





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Literature References

Carmody, Francis. 1956. Arabic Astronomical And Astrological Sciences In Latin Translation: A Critical Bibliography. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Pp. 84-113.

Goldstein, Bernard. 1965. “On The Theory Of Trepidation According To Thābit B. Qurra And Al-Zarqāllu And Its Implications For Homocentric Planetary Theory”. Centaurus 10 (4): 232-247.
Hartner, Willy. 1971. Trepidation And Planetary Theories: Common Features In Late Islamic And Early Renaissance Astronomy. Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei.
Mercier, Raymond. 1977. “Studies In The Medieval Concept Of Precession (Part Ii)”. Archives Internationales D'histoire Des Sciences 27 (100): 33-71.
Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers And Other Scholars Of Islamic Civilisation And Their Works (7Th-19Th C.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 53 (no. 103), A8.

1984. Matematicheskie Traktati. Nauchnoye Nasledstvo. Eds. Boris Rozenfeld and al, et. Vol. 8. Moscow.

Pp. 303-8, 373-76.

Neugebauer, Otto. 1962. “Thābit Ben Qurra: On The Solar Year And On The Motion Of The Eighth Sphere”. Proceedings Of The American Philosophical Society 106: 264-299.

Pp. 291-99.

Vallicrosa, José. 1945. “El "Liber De Motu Octave Sphere" De Thābit Ibn Qurra”. Al-Andalus 10: 89-108.
Mercier, Raymond. 1976. “Studies In The Medieval Concept Of Precession (Part I)”. Archives Internationales D'histoire Des Sciences 26 (99): 197-220.