Zīj maḥlūl fī al-Sindhind li-darajah darajah

Title (arabic)

زيج محلول في السندهند لدرجة درجة

Title (translit)

Zīj maḥlūl fī al-Sindhind li-darajah darajah


Zīj maḥlūl fī al-Sindhind li-darajaẗ darajaẗ
Kitāb al-Zīj maḥlūlun fī al-Sindhind li-darajah darajah wa-huwa kitābān al-awwal fī ʿilm al-falak, al-thānī fī ʿilm al-duwal






Yaʿqūb ibn Ṭāriq’s Zīj maḥlūl fī al‐Sindhind li‐darajah darajah (Astronomical tables in the Sindhind resolved for each degree) was based on the Sanskrit original of the Zīj al‐Sindhind, translated by 8th-century scholars in Baghdad.

This work is quoted by al-Hāshimī in " Kitāb ʻilal al-zījāt," and by Abraham ibn Ezra, in the foreword of his translation of the commentary "Tawḍīḥ zīj al-Khwārizimī" of Ahmad ibn al- Muthannah.



Literature References

Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 16 (no. 11), A1.

Hogendijk, Jan. 1988. “New Light on the Lunar Crescent Visibility Table of Yaʿqūb Ibn Ṭāriq”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 47: 95-104.
Al-Hāshimī, ʿAlī, and David Pingree. 1981. The Book of the Reasons Behind Astronomical Tables [Kitāb Fī ʿilal al‐zījāt]. Trans. Edward Kennedy and Fuad Haddad. Facsimile reproduction of the unique Arabic text contained in the Bodleian MS Arch. Seld. A.11. Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints.
Kennedy, Edward. 1968. “The Lunar Visibility Theory of Yaʿqūb Ibn Ṭāriq”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 27 (2): 126-32.