Jamal al-Dīn Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿUmar al-Khuzāʿī

Name (arabic)

جمال الدين أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن عمر الخزاعي

Name (translit)

Jamal al-Dīn Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʿUmar al-Khuzāʿī


Muḥammad al-Khuzāʿī
Muḥammad al-Kharāʿī



Lived in

Number in MAMS




Authored Works

2 works:


Kitāb al-inshāʾ fī ʿilm al-jabr wa-al-muqābalah , كتاب الإنشاء في علم الجبر والمقابلة
Sharḥ mukhtaṣar al-Khwārizmī , شرح مختصر الخوارزمي


Rozenfeld, Boris, and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (7th-19th c.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture.

P. 211 (no. 604).

King, David. 1986. A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns; The American Research Center in Egypt.

Pp. 131-32.

Matvievskaya, Galina, and Boris Rozenfeld. 1983. Matematiki I Astronomy Musulmanskogo Srednevekovya I Ikh Trudi, VIII-XVII Vv [Mathematicians and Astronomers of the Muslim Middle Ages and Their Works, VIII-XVII Centuries]. 3 vol. Moscow: Nauka.

Vol. 2, p. 392.

King, David. 1983. Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen: A Bibliographical Survey. Malibu: Undena Publications.

Pp. 54-55.

Sezgin, Fuat. 1974. Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), Vol. 5, Mathematik Bis Ca. 430 H. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

P. 240.

al-ʿAzzāwī ʿAbbās. 1958. Taʾrīkh ʿilm Al-Falak Fī Al-ʿIrāq Wa-ʿalaqātihi Bi-Al-aqṭār Al-islāmiyyah Wa-Al-Gharbiyyah Fī Al-ʿuhūd Al-tāliyah Li-ayyām Al-ʻAbbāsiyyīn. Baghdad: Maṭbaʿat al-majmaʿ al-ʿilmī al-ʿIrāqī.

P. 232.